Wheel & Tyre



Fireball Wheel & Tyre

Fireball Wheel & Tyre works to not only remove stubborn road grime from wheels; but also the browning and staining that can hinder the appearance of your tyres. If you aren't cleaning your tyres yet - Wheel & Tyre will blow your mind! This alkaline cleaner is super strong and effective.

Because Wheel & Tyre is a strong alkaline cleaner; it does need to be used with care. We recommend this as safe for all factory and factory OEM painted wheels. It should not be used on raw/uncoated metals or chrome finish wheels as it could dull the appearance. Equally you should not use this product on warm wheels or direct in sunlight.

QTY: 500ml Spray Bottle, 4000ml Trade Tub

500ml bottle supplied with a spray trigger.

Available Sizes

  • 500ml

  • 4000ml

Product Instructions

  • Start by shaking the bottle thorough. Do not use on warm wheels or in direct sunlight - or you risk staining. We recommend only using on factory finished wheels - do not use on uncoated metals.

    Spray the wheels and tyres thoroughly with Fireball Wheel & Tyre and agitate the surface thoroughly to clean out the dirt. You should notice the liquid off your tyres turning brown which shows the product is working.

    After spraying and agitation thoroughly rinse the area with high pressure water. Do not leave the product for more than 1-2 minutes.

